Cookie pop-up for yahoo!



Digital privacy laws are evolving before our eyes. Some governments now require pop-ups that help users give “informed consent” for cookies. Yahoo’s default cookie notification offers significantly more information than any US law requires.


For now, there’s still room for brand-conscious voice in cookie messaging. Yahoo’s choice to use a large, text-rich popup speaks to the company’s transparent, information-first brand position. Clearer, scannable copy can take this further, benfitting Yahoo and its users.


As a case study, I revised Yahoo’s cookie popup by translating jargon and logically organizing core concepts. I chose words that give users agency, encouraging them to understand rather than simply click through.


  • Research legal requirements

  • Study competitor solutions

  • Extract meaning from current copy

  • Confirm messaging aligns with brand voice

  • Write final copy

  • Create mockup and test

Breaking down the changes