“There’s a thread of caring that connects all content designers. It tends to attract people who want to help others understand the world.”

— Thom Wong


“Stories are the universal language of humanity. It’s the desire to communicate. It’s not rocket science. Really, it’s not. It’s giving a damn.”

— LeVar Burton


“Culture is pattern in mind — the ability to make things like sentences and houses.”

— Henry Glassie

Hi, I’m Wade. I grew up in Virginia. I’ve always been fascinated by design, history, and the written word.

I went to school to design cars, almost switched my major to English a few times, and ended up building user interfaces and uncomfortable chairs. I went back to school for architectural history so I could write about the origins of the design process. I discovered that words, systems, and stories form the backbone of creativity.

I see words as the base unit of user-centered design. They’re symbols and sounds that form a direct link of understanding between two people. Together, we combine these mutually-understood ideas into systems that help us solve problems. Along the way, we find that we’ve built stories that bring us joy and meaning.

As a content designer, I hope to craft vivid, empathetic prose that guides people towards a shared understanding of the world.